If you click on this link you will find an interview about The Forgotten Coast that I did with Susie Fergusson on RNZ’s Nine to Noon, and this one will take you to a short excerpt published in the UK Guardian. This short piece for The Conversation talks about the ways in which I have benefited from the historic legacy of the confiscation of land in Taranaki, and this link is to a second article in The Conversation in which I reflect on why some families forget certain parts of their pasts. And here is an article in Tui Motu. I've also done interviews with Māori TV and a short docco for The Hui, but those links have disappeared into the ether!
The Unsettled has attracted some attention too. Click here for a conversation I had with Morrin Rout on Bookenz, and here for an interview with the Taranaki Daily News. Or you might want to listen to the longer interview I did with RNZ's Saturday Morning. There have been a number of reviews of the book, including the ones published in Newsroom, NZBookLovers, on Stuff and at the Aotearoa New Zealand Review of Books, and an excerpt from the book was published by The Spinoff.